Vinyl Junkie Interviews - Vali NME Click - PARALLAX RECORDS
Parallax Records only came to my attention a couple of years ago. A bit slack of me I know especially considering their first release in 2016 was by a couple of mates of mine... The On One Crew from Bristol (Big shouts to Phil & Chris). At that time when i first discovered the label they were just about to drop the album "Message From the Parazone" which fully blew me away. Not just sonically, but visually as well. Luckily I was just in time to bag a copy on pre-sale before it sold out. Now... Less than 2 years later, its already changing hands on discogs for up to £68.00.
They have done half a dozen releases since and I am gassed to say that i now have five of them for sale in the store. I will add some links at the bottom should you want to check them out.
Over the last few years myself and Vali have become mates and I thought it was time he did a guest mix for my show and also share some of his thoughts with us.... So without further ado... Ladies and Gentleman... Straight Outta Berlin... Vali NME Click... Head Honcho at Parallax Records!
Hi Mate. How’s things and what have you been up to this week??
Thanks for asking, I´m good, hope you too? This week I received test presses for PARA019 Electronic Experienced, so I stamped them and got the existing orders of the Super-bundle and the new Justice & Necrotype packed and need to send them out asap, thanks to everyone who supports the label and keeps it going! I also did flyer artwork for a friend´s event series ‘Hotbox’ in Zurich. I did my new People Station radio show with DJ Chromz and played ‘Best Mindfuck Yet’ Saturday at a squat here in Berlin. Yesterday I went for a swim with my little one, Sunday I visited my mate Phyzikal Flex (the other half of Brute Force), we both have daughters the same age. Today I learned from my ex-flatmate in my hometown that our cat died.
Wow… You’ve been busy then! Can you give me a brief bit of background on yourself. Where you were born, where you grew up, school life etc… and what did you do for work before you started in the music game?
Hi, I´m Vali NME Click – the Vali stand for Valentin and the NME Click (Enemy Clique) is the crew I DJed with since I started out in 94. I was born close to the Dutch border in Viersen. My family were just visiting their parents though, at the time we lived in Eupen (Belgium) but when I was 3, we moved to Ulm in the South of Germany. That´s where I grew up with two older siblings and went to school, but best not talk about that chapter ha-ha. My first job was in Gecko, a fashion shop for Rave and Skateboard clothing. I also did an apprenticeship in a local city magazine, began DJing and having various residencies, hosting a weekly radio show etc. Ulm is still what feels ‘home’ most with all my closest friends there.
So musically, let’s start right at the beginning… Going way back, before raves, Jungle and Parallax records… What is your very earliest musical memory?
My parents are both multi-instrumentalists and professional singers, so there always been jam sessions around our house. I often fell asleep on the sofa while they played classical music with friends.
When you were growing up, what music was likely to being played in your house?
My older siblings listened to a lot of Beatles, Supertramp, Stones, Beach Boys and the likes so that was what I first got to know in regard to popular music. I often went to the local library and checked out tapes of contemporary pop music and schooled myself on music magazines they had there too. My dad had some weird early synthesizer records (Claude Denjean – Moog, The Fantastic Pikes - Synthesizer Sound Machine 1 & 2 and more uncool early synth cover-music (if you compare it to Kraftwerk and Jean-Michel Jarre) and a record form Achim Reichel – Regenballade was played a lot (ultraweird and somehow quite dark), weird how I just remember that now and just found it on Cogs:
Did you play any musical instruments back then?
Haha yes, the flute, the xylophone, cembalo, percussions, pots and pans and I even learned the guitar. I was really bad with it all. I also sang in a boys’ choir, and they wanted me to sing solo, but I was quite shy, so this never happened.
What was the first record you ever bought and how old were you?
I always thought what I would tell somebody if I ever got asked this question because I honestly can´t remember. The first own record that I got gifted must´ve been either a ‘Best of Elvis’ or Michael Jackson – Off the Wall. The first record I bought from my actual own money might´ve been Public Enemy – It Takes a Nation of Millions to Hold Us Back or De La Soul – 3 feet High & Rising (RIP Trugoy The Dove who passed yesterday, way too early), which is quite cool because I still like them. I also still rate Jacko´s Off the Wall and sampled that in a forthcoming Brute Force tune, but I absolutely hate Elvis nowadays lol
What was the first rave you ever went to? And how did it affect your life?
Hmm as I grew up in the South of Germany there weren´t that many raves in Ulm. It might´ve been something called Arts Experience at a warehouse called Arts & Crafts or a rave at the Roxy which I don´t remember the name of. Another early memory was a rave called Planet Love at Donau Halle and regular visits to Ohne Worte, our Ulm homebase and clubs in surrounding cities such as Badehaus (Heidenheim), Oz (Stuttgart) or Störung (Backnang). These were all Techno/ Trance clubs, Hardcore/ Jungle wasn´t popular over here apart from Feeva Kru´s sessions at Stuttgart based Großer Bär, but we found out about those only about 2 years later. We thought we were the only ones into UK Rave and got laughed at a lot. Until we found an ad in a print magazine about a club in Mannheim called Vibration. We drove there and couldn’t believe our eyes: A club with an open dancefloor leading to a lake as chillout, weekly DJs like Bukem, SS, Hype, Donovan Badboy Smith, Mickey Finn etc. So, the first Junglerave I finally get to experience was probably Meditation at Walzmühle Ludwigshafen as that happened when we already started raving around the Mannheim area and occasionally Munich (Southern Sessions). Stuttgart got pretty big when Ulm did too around the Millenium with U-Turn@Röhre, Rude Club etc. and we put on a lot in our hometown, from club nights like Echoes Form the Future and Touchdown to our Feeel! open air festival.
What DJ’s have inspired you over the years and how have they influenced your DJing style
Hip Hop DJs like Terminator X of Public Enemy, Mr. Mixx of the 2 Live Crew, Too Tuff of the Tuff Crew, DJ Supreme of Hijack were the first ones that got me hooked in general, the magic created with scratching and cutting. DJ´s that influenced my style how I play Jungle I first and foremost must mention DJ Hype (scratching, overall style how to put together a set, selection), closely followed by Bukem (early years up to 95, but mostly 92-94, his selections and A&Ring in that period are un-championed IMO). Nowadays I listen to a lot of Top Buzz and Ratty obviously, but not back then really. It was very hard to get your hands on tapes at all, my most ever rinsed tape is Hype@ Roast – Land Of The Giants (bought all the 12”s played there, even the dubplates, I ended up releasing the Lewi – You Better Run dubplate on Parallax) and DJ Killa @ One Nation Valentine´s Ball 94 (yes, an odd one, but there you go, good selection and mixing on a live recording by, how I later found out, a 12 year old kid. Also worth checking is Hype´s set form the same event, a pretty much unknown set that I searched for years only to find out that it was on the same pack as the DJ Killa), Ellis Dee & Sy @ Dreamscape 11 (not because they played the best sets but because I somehow managed to get my hands on that single tape).
When did you first start learning to mix records and what inspired you to do so?
I started DJing together with my mate Önder by buying two crates full of 92/93 Hardcore and Jungle from local DJ Filippo ‘Naughty’ Moscatello in 94, the resident of Ohne Worte. It was all Subbase, Shadow, Formation, Basement, Lucky Spin, Impact, Brain and (pre-internet very obscure) whitelabels. We paid like 200 Marks (nowadays the equivalent to 70 pounds) for about 200 records. It took us years to learn mixing, we had no clue about the technical side and there weren’t many DJs around at the time. I remember we paid a guy with weed to regularly use his turntables. I then practiced on shitty Gemini belt drives that I borrowed from a mate and when I first put my hand on a Technics platter the motor was so strong, I nearly got swiped off my feet haha.
When and where was your first gig and what are your memories of this night?
First gig I think was somewhere near Stuttgart, was it Münsingen? I can´t fully remember because we were tripping and were totally off our faces, my mate fell down the stairs because he thought he can take them in one step haha. We train wrecked our way through the whole night, terrible, but it´s been only 5 people in there anyways. We earned out stripes around the Stuttgart area (Zelle Reutlingen, Tübingen Epple Haus…) and in the end two mates form Reutlingen taught us how to mix in like 2 hours. It was just secret science that not many people had knowledge of haha. It took us years to get good at this thing and I remember on more than one occasion in our first residency Club Yellow where we had to hide in the toilets during our set when police came down as we were only 16.
Vinyl DJing Vs Digital DJing… What do you prefer and why? And how do they differ?
Really, the same old discussion?
YEP! 🤣
OK... I mostly went with the times music and technology wise. I never stopped buying vinyl and collecting Hardcore/ Jungle for myself though and played it here and there, but mostly went with Drum&Bass and what was current there, from music to technology. I went from vinyl to endlessly burning CDs (thank God that’s a thing of the past, still have spindles of unreleased DnB dubs and keep telling myself I must go through them) to DJ software like Traktor and Serato. Nowadays I use all of it. For radio I love using Serato or Traktor, just because I can play digital dubplates and everything sounds more when using one device. For club gigs I always have a USB with me, be it as back-up or to showcase new dubs. If I take vinyl with me, I usually plan a bit in advance (how do I travel, how long do I play/ how many records do I take with me/ what crowd do I play to because I only have limited choice with vinyl, are the turntables good, is the monitoring on point.). If the set-up is on point, I LOVE playing records and it´s my first choice, but if something is off, I might go and play digitally. It´s just so much easier, especially in a club environment and I love using hot cues or looping stuff, that gives you a lot of freedom to play stuff that normally wouldn’t match. But if I play records, I am much more freely in how I mix, I can cut, scratch, you must work, that´s me 100% and I love it. And there are no hiccups, a record just plays and doesn’t need constantly updating or a subscription model or is on a media that is corrupted. It all has it´s pros and cons and the one tip I can give to aspiring DJ´s is: Always have a back-up on another format with you so you can play no matter what. I had to learn that the hard way.
There has been a massive resurgence in vinyl sales lately with loads of old classics being remastered and repressed. Is this a good thing and why? Discuss….
Oh, if I knew in time, I would’ve sold my copies of New Science EP and Pressing On Ya Mind!!!
This one you mean? (Sorry for the shameless plug! HAHA... Had to be done! Call it a commercial break) 😉
Hahaha good job on those John, you do God´s work! It´s a difficult topic with represses, because I run a label who did represses on the one hand, on the other I always put all money I ever earned into my collection and sometimes it´s hard to take if you spent years to find a tune and it becomes part of the identity of your individual collection and suddenly everybody spins it. Overall, I think it´s a good thing to make the music available to everybody and get new blood into our scene, giving the original artists money and publicity and eventually revive their careers. But personally, I think it got a bit out of hand. From a few heads who did this for the love of it and making tunes available that were out of press and impossible to find even for die-hard collectors or didn’t even make it into press to today, to today, where it got a whole industry that bring politics into the scene and squeezes money out of it with tunes often widely available and still get the ‘remastered’ treatment. Of course, it´s nice to not feed the scalpers, but if you really want a tune, you might as well save up for it and dosh out a bit on top, at least you´ll appreciate and play it then and not everybody has the same tunes. A lot of tunes that were holy grails, for years desired and talked about, lose their magic in an instant once they got available and instead of getting new shine, were fast forgotten about. So weirdly, it can damage the desirability of a tune, especially when the rarity factor was bigger than the quality of the tune. I think less is more and took a step back, also because I think not everything needs a repress and the stuff that needs it mostly has been done. Nowadays I enjoy there are still a few holy grails one can hunt and not everything is available at the ready, that makes the process of record hunting so special, the rush of adrenaline when you find THAT tune!
Do you think the vinyl thing will grow or fizzle out?
Hopefully not. I don´t get around enough these days to answer that question. The problem that pressing records gets more and more expensive and it takes forever to press them reduces the fun, let´s see.
What inspired you to start a label and what was your early vision for Parallax?
It was never planned, it just all fell into place all by itself. I had the strong desire to find unearthed music and trying to get someone to release it until Will gave me the inspiration to do it myself, probably he was fed up receiving my annoying messages haha. It never occurred to me that I could do it myself up to then, especially since not based in the UK. Big ups for Will Sublogic and Dave Elusive, Beau Thomas and Handle with Care to help me getting started! The graphical vision just was the route I followed as a designer anyways and I always loved the look of Subbase or Strictly Underground so it was a no-brainer. Musically the only vision/ rule is to put out the music I would DJ myself.
Your first release was the On One crew… 2 old mates of mine from Bristol. How did that link up come about?
I must´ve found them via Facebook and just hit them up, not sure anymore. If you know them you know they are approachable and nice peeps, it was a lot of fun working with them on the release. Say hi when you see them, it´s been a minute since we spoke, and they certainly were one of the nicest people I had the pleasure to work with in the repress thingy!
Can you remember the first time you heard one of your tunes played at a rave or in a club by a big established DJ? Who was the DJ and how did it make you feel seeing all those people going mental to something that you released on your label?
A Parallax tune unfortunately never. Not till the present day. Except if I play it somewhere myself. In Berlin there isn´t much of a Hardcore/ Jungle scene so I either put on something myself or it won´t happen. I´m a father and simply too old to fly out to a rave in the UK, also think of the carbon footprint that would cause! I rarely fly if it´s not 100% necessary, I want to do my best to act responsible for coming generations. But I´d love to witness that one day. I want to put out music that´s in the DJ´s boxes, the tune the DJ draws for next, it´s got to be a Parallax banger. If you read the playlists of the week´s radio shows or hear the recording of last Saturday´s party, I want those tunes in there, that´s really the reason I do it for. So, one of my highlights that comes closest were when Tim Reaper played FFF-Bandulu on his Radio One Essential Podcast.
Is Music production and running a label your main source of income? If not tell us about what else you do?
Haha, are you kidding? I rarely ever take any money out of the label, it´s tough to keep it going. I am a freelance graphics designer, that´s what I do for a living. So, if somebody needs a design or artwork – hit me up! Find some of my works (it needs an update) on behance.com/vali_nmeclick.
Has being a graphic designer helped you to realize your vision for the label?? How?
Yes, it gives me great satisfaction being able to put my stamp on it. I come from designing promotion materials such as posters and flyers etc. People never pay much attention to those formats unfortunately and once the event is over the artwork is left to rot. Records are a great vehicle to make your artwork timeless, people go back to it and look at it in another way. Merch is great too if you see somebody somewhere with your artwork on the body. But it´s hard for me to keep up the level of quality to be honest. A lot of time, sweat and tears go into it. I am not half as good as it looks, but I just keep on bumping my head against the wall until I´m there.
How is the current state of the economy effecting you as a label?
Best let´s not talk too much about it and keep positive. It´s not easy for all of us lately. Everybody does their best to keep going. Let´s hope it all gets better sometime soon, and we will still be there altogether, pushing this scene. The thing that makes me angry is that it´s manmade. There are people who made (and are making, right now) a lot of money from the situation, the same old ‘rich are getting richer’. Theoretically there is enough for all of us. Our society is in constant change, the politics must get on top of the times and adapt certain tax laws and put the pressure off the boiling pot. Soon, or I don´t know where this will lead, people are fed up and sooner or later rather than pointing finger at one another will go for the root of it all.
What has been your involvement in production and running labels before you started Parallax?
In my past I excessively been on the road DJing and been active as a writer, radio host, promoter and doing PR. So, everything really, apart from music production. I was/am involved in the process of writing tunes, but never made a tune on my own, nor would I be able to. Maybe one day, but the time just isn´t there. I always say to get good at something it takes 5 years, to become a master it takes 10 of constantly doing it, daily. I´m happy in my position, to be in touch with great producers and sourcing great music I find fitting for the label, that is rewarding to me. Or finding ingredients to a tune and get to sit with someone on the buttons and be involved in the creative process.
The sound of the early 90’s hardcore and jungle has come full circle with lots of young people, who were not even born first time round, adopting this sound, buying records and even producing music in this style… It’s amazing… what’s your thoughts on this and how is it going to affect the future of the scene?
The way forward is the only future there is. As much as I love the tunes from way back there´s only so many times that you can play and talk about the same tunes repeatedly. The only problem I personally have is that by wanting to keep the music on the label authentic it is limiting myself. And the more people put you into one bracket the less freedom there is to try out new things too. The scene as a whole doesn´t have that problem of course and is pushing the boundaries. But there will be some unexpected releases coming soon on Parallax too, alongside the typical 93 dark styled tunes the label is getting more and more known for. All in all, I´m very thankful to be part of this second wave as I pretty much missed the first time around too (of course Jungle was alive and kicking in 94 but not so much where I was) and I love living the Jungle life actively, being in touch with likeminded souls, doing radio, collecting and playing tunes and putting them out and make some people happy sometimes. It´s also good meeting young kids at raves and seeing them getting drawn in and find their place in the scene and keeping it going.
How does the newly produced hardcore / jungle compare to the original stuff? In your opinion.
It is hard to compare that. Back then people tried to push the envelope of what’s possible, nowadays people try to get as close to the analogue sound, old concepts and styles, which then quickly can become boring or even worse, gimmicky, trying too hard to fit a style and as soon as that’s achieved, not much more is added. I don´t as many things that come out lately as I used to for various reasons. It can be that I have the feeling I heard a thing too often so it´s not exciting anymore. Or it sounds too clinical or harsh/ hard or a bit soulless for my personal taste. Or that it takes ingredients from different eras and combines them, which can either lead to great results or giving the beard stroker in me a hard time haha. Or it´s just unimaginative/ painted by numbers. But let´s be honest here, in every period there were groundbreaking tunes, tunes that were good but went with what´s tried and tested and happening at the current point in time and then there were tons of simply shit tunes too. And now is no different. You can hear who puts their hearts in it and who do it for other reasons. I hate that people release music for the sake of releasing music, just to stay in focus and have content to scream about. Social media is the greatest gain and the greatest pain. And then trends change so fast. I love all of it, but to me a good tune needs certain elements, if music has no face/ nothing that leaves a mark after you finish listening, it can´t be a good thing. Also, what might sound fresh to a younger person´s ear can be perceived totally different by old heads who might find a certain sample played out etc. Music is an individual experience, and everybody has different references, so I´m not badmouthing anything. As long as new music is coming out it is certainly a positive thing.
Judging from the pic, you are definitely a bit of a vinyl Peddler? LOL... But do you have a big collection yourself?? If so, how many and how long have you been collecting?
I´ve been collecting since I can think. I was always drawn to my parents’ records, starring at the sleeves and listening to them, there´s something magical to a record, I still can´t put my finger on it. If there is a stack of records lurking, no matter if at a friend´s place, the parents in law, a flea market, or a shop window I can´t walk past, I must stop and flip through them. And I think that describes the rare breed that we are, record collecting is a habit. I still have my early rap records from late 80ies/ early 90ies. I started proper buying Jungle and Hardcore in 94 and went backwards, I also dig Rave, Bleeps, Acid and early Detroit and Chicago House, the stuff that helped in the evolution of shaping electronic music. I also buy a lot of Funk, Soul, Rap, World Music and the like, the last years a lot on the 7” format. I never sold many of my records, only a few times as a teen to finance raving, I regret it soon after and bought them back over the years. I never worked in a record shop or had cheap access to records and never had crazy amounts of money at my hands, so it´s not an insanely big amount of records I possess. But it´s more about the quality than the quantity anyways. But I always spent all my money on records, from the school money days to the first money earned. I am not very materialistic apart from that, so it really is a habit, I wouldn´t know what else to buy with it haha. Discogs says it´s 6000, I think it must be something between 7000- 8000 as not all are listed. I have a lot of doubles though: If I replace a tune, or if I see a tune I love so much that I can´t ignore a copy at a good price, thinking it might find the right home through a trade I do or give it to a mate. So yeah, people hit me up if you are into trading, I have a list ready that I do my best to keep up to date, but the collection is bit of a mess lately so it´s hard to keep an oversight.
What are your 3 most treasured records (give a little bit of info on each one why they are so special to you)
The list would be different each day. But today I go for
Invisible Man – Skyliner Remix / You Don´t Know (Timeless) - A record a mate had since 94 and was always in rotation at our places. He gifted it to me to my birthday a few years later as he knew there is nobody loving it more than me. For proof go on Discogs and read my review. Nowadays I would draw for Twisted, The Beginning or The End, but none of these tunes would make such a nice story.
Flynn & Flora - Jungle Love Remix (Full Cycle Testpress) Okay, let´s be honest here, I list this due to the rarity factor, it was only available on the testpress of the Music Box remix (another absolute smasher and deffo in my Jungle Top 5 alongside DOPE – Travelling Part 2, Droppin Science 1, DJ Ron – African Chant and Borderline – Screwface) and got replaced by the original Music Box on the promo and official release. But it´s an absolute stunning tune and I honestly can´t believe this never got a proper release. So stunned I found this finally. Another one that was only available on test-press (and album with 4 tunes a side) is Ray Keith – Rinse. Engineered by Photek it gets a release on Knite Force next week, don´t sleep on it peeps. Also, another I like to mention here (as he´s part of the Full Cycle camp) is Krust – Arizona II, which was released by Okbron, it blew me off my feet when I heard this, one of his best tunes and it was unreleased. Pete Devnull just released Model – Eternal which is a beauty, and it will soon be followed by “Flight”, a Bukem plate everybody has been waiting for years! Trace – Definition of Living (Amen Mix) will soon be pressed too, what a time to be alive. There will be a nice press of something old and unreleased on Parallax too, but I don´t tell you just yet.
Big Vern, Evil Ed & Ram & Flight – Ruffer Than a Lion/ Digital Maximum (1+1). Not exactly that rare but just a tune I have a lot of love for lately (Again, got it since a long time, it was in the lot I bought in 94). Usually, it was always available but when I wanted to update my copy, I found out it rarely shows up nowadays. I wish Digital Maximum was a bit more mixing friendly and had a better mixdown, but Ruffer Than a Lion is just the blueprint of a tune I love. Not Lion Part 2 that many people prefer, for me it´s the tune alone on a side and it´s just perfect. I could´ve gone for much rarer stuff as people who know me know I´m a proper hunter for the rare and deleted stuff, so ask me again and I will name some different ones ;)
What records are top of your wants list?
The 10 that still give me eternal pain:
Ed Rush - Selecta - xct 001
A Guy Called Gerald - Kickin The Jungle Beat - Juice Box (JBOX 20)
The Urban Tribe - Untitled - Sub Assertive Sounds (CUE 6)
Outa Intelligence - Dreamer - Back2Basics (B2B 12005)
Photek - One Nation/ Say It - Prototype (PRO 006)
LTJ Bukem - Atmospheric Jubilancy - Good Looking (GLR075)
2 Bad Mice - Underworld - Moving Shadow (Testpress of SHADOW 26)
Noise Factory - The Future (A-Sides Remix) - Strictly Underground (STUR 41 TP)
New Jack Pimps - Good Times Remix / Perplex - Blast (BLAT 002)
Dubplates of Photek – Feeling Up and Defender - Workstation
If somebody out there is willing to part with any of these please holler at me!
Good luck with those bro, they are all rare as rocking horse shit!! Especially the Bukem one... Blimey, Somebody paid £1500 for that!! Thats insane! Anyway mate, tell us a crazy / random / funny story about something that has happened to you whilst out and about DJing
Hmm, craziest thing was possibly waking up in a bush in front of our residency Mahatma in the early 2000´s. I must´ve fallen and just fell asleep and when I woke up the sun was out and shining. My luck was in as two girls that slept in the car nearby drove me back to my place. I mean it´s better than the story where I fell asleep in a car on the way back from a gig and my driver and flatmate left me sleeping as he couldn´t wake me up. When I finally woke up, I had the worst hangover at 30+ degrees celsius, a dry mouth and realized I was trapped: The car was locked and as everything was automatic I couldn´t even turn the window down. So, I had to hammer at the windows and scream at people walking by to help me. By the time the car was surrounded by people staring at me like in a zoo my 60-year-old grumpy neighbor came by. He absolutely hated us, 4 guys in a shared flat nonstop partying, so you can tell he enjoyed this a lot! He still had the manners to enter the flat, shake up my flat-mate and I was out in no time.
Hahaha… I laughed out loud at that… Any final words??
Watch out for Parallax in 2023. Times are tough but we have so much lined up we just try to navigate through the stormy waters and bring you new EPs by Electronic Experienced, Worldwide Epidemic, Sync Dynamics, Radicall, Ricky Force and many more! The sequel to the Parazone album probably deserves an extra mention as it which will be MUCH bigger than the last project. Keep ‘em peeled!
Also... I just started the 'People Station' radioshow with DJ Chromz on Jungeltrain. Catch us bi-weekly between 6:30-8:30 pm (UCT+1), this week with special guest Tim Reaper!
Thanks for inviting me John and keep up all the good work you do!
You're Welcome bro! And you... please keep up the great work too. Another Parazone album!!! Thats really exciting, the first one was SICK!! Maybe i could submit a track? 😉
You can check out Vali NME Click doing a guest mix on my radio show tomorrow - Thursday 16th Feb... 10am - Midday (UK Time). You can catch the show live here: https://www.mixcloud.com/live/EruptionRadioUK/
Or if you miss it the podcast will be uploaded here a couple of days later... https://podcast.vinyljunkie.uk/

Here's some links. Go and check them out and be sure to follow!!
Parallax Recordings:
People Station Radio show
(Biweekly Saturdays 6:30-8:30 Pm (UCT+1) on jungletrain.net):