Yes To Satan – The saga continues…
So just wanted to give everyone a heads up on whats been going on behind the scenes and why your records may not have turned up yet…
So first of all I’d just like to say that when I ordered the records I had no idea that I was going to have to move house and business address. This came as a shock to me… So….
After being delayed several times the records finally turned up a couple of weeks before I was due to move which wasn’t a major problem. I thought I should be able to get them out before I move and announced the release date.
But then I realised that the records had a pressing defect and had to be sent back. The pressing plant said they would redo them as a priority so I should not have to wait too long to get the records back… I decided to keep to the planned release date stating that nothing would be shipped until the 7th August. Simon at Underground Music offered to help with the fulfilment which I was very grateful for.
So then the splatter vinyls arrived but not the black. Simon fulfilled all the orders that he could (ie orders that ONLY had Splatter and no other records from my store). The pressing plant said the black vinyls would be delivered the following week… Simon then went on holiday for a week.
Simon had linked his royal mail account to my store and said that the orders would automatically show as fulfilled in my store. But that didn’t work. So Simon had gone on holiday and I couldn’t reach him. And I had no idea which orders had been fulfilled. So that was a giant ballache and took a bit of time to sort out…
So where are we at now??
If you bought just a splatter and no other records then your order should have been delivered now, if not it is on the way.
If you placed an order that DID NOT contain a black YTS… Then your order has been shipped and should be with you soon.
If your order was for multiple records that INCLUDED a black YTS then your order has been picked and labelled and is waiting for YTS and then they will be shipped immediately…
If your order was for multiple records that included a splatter YTS then your order has probably gone out. Simon sent me some splatters but there was a shortfall of about 3 records…So there is a couple more orders I need to ship. Simon will send the rest of the splatters to me when he sends the black vinyls.
The black vinyls have now been pressed but the pressing plant have said they have run out of sleeves! Unbelievable!!! They are saying the sleeves should get delivered Tuesday or Wednesday… So hopefully the records will arrive with Simon on Thursday… Friday at the latest. Simon will fulfil all the orders that he can as soon as he gets them and he doesn’t hang around… Then he will forward the remainder of the records to me so I can fulfil the rest of my orders. So I could get them Friday if we are lucky…
I gotta say… This has proper stressed me out… lol… I hate letting you guys down and making you wait for your records. Does my head in…. So thank you for your continued patience and support and rest assured that me and Simon are doing everything we can to get the records to you as soon as is humanly possible… So please bear with us for a little while longer.
Thank You
Kind Regards
John (Vinyl Junkie)